Preschool Classes
Mount Vernon Preschool offers preschool classes for children ages 2 years old-5 years. Preschool classes meet from 8am-12pm. Class days vary.
Mount Vernon Preschool is owned and operated by Mount Vernon Baptist Church as a nonprofit, faith-based preschool in our community. Mount Vernon Preschool admits students of any race, color, ancestry, national and ethnic origin and religious background.
Mount Vernon Preschool is licensed by the Department of Education of the Commonwealth of Virginia and meets or exceeds the minimum standards for childcare. The standards relate to personnel, health requirements, staff training, program staff, administration, general supervision, ratios, physical environment, space, furnishings and safety procedures. We believe that licensing regulations help us to provide loving care for children and peace of mind for parents.
Sept.-May: Mon-Fri 8 a.m.-2 p.m.
June-Aug.: Hours Vary
For more information, please see the Registration Form. Enrollment is open first to current/previous Mount Vernon Preschool Families, Mount Vernon Baptist Church staff and Mount Vernon Baptist Church members. Please feel free to contact us with any questions!
Mount Vernon Preschool offers preschool classes for children ages 2 years old-5 years. Preschool classes meet from 8am-12pm. Class days vary.
Lunch Bunch is our extended day program. During Lunch Bunch, children eat a parent provided lunch and enjoy playtime with other students. Lunch Bunch meets until 2 p.m. and is available for 2s, 3s, 4s, and 5s. Additional fees apply.
Enrichment Classes meet after school until 2pm. Enrichment classes are available for students who are in our 3-5 year old programs and are fully potty trained. After eating a parent provided lunch, children participate in a special class designed to introduce children to new skills. Additional fees apply.
Mount Vernon Preschool offers summer camp during June-August. Summer Camp meets 9am-12pm, Tuesday-Thursday.
Mount Vernon Preschool offers private kindergarten for children 5 years old by September 30. Classes meet Monday-Friday 8am-2pm and follow the HCPS calendar.
If you would like to be contacted about current or future openings in the Mount Vernon Preschool, please complete this form.
If you would like to receive emails regarding registration updates, please sign up here.